Sunday, November 2, 2008

Song of Contemplation

There is a song to be sung
Albeit no words are there
Now standing on a crisscross road
Afraid of backing off
Scared of taking a step
Yet hopes are there
For a bright future together

But the hopes started fading
When you said no to my question
Now standing like a
Lightening struck goat
Not scared of taking a step
Nor afraid of backing off
As my thoughts are as dark
As the pouring cloud

I want something from you to sustain
For the feeling that is getting away
Because it’s difficult to feel as
It was before; it can even be a word or a sentence
As long it acts as a binding sentence.


A song without words fills the air As I stand at this crossroads with care Afraid to move forward or turn back But still holding onto hope, intact

A bright future seemed within reach Until you said no, and my hopes did breach Like a goat struck by lightning, I stand Not afraid to move, but with a darkened plan

My thoughts are as heavy as the pouring rain And I struggle to sustain this feeling, in vain I need something to hold onto tight A binding sentence to make it right

So give me a word or phrase to grasp To make the fading feeling last And help me see a brighter day As I continue on my way.


Unknown said...

Its Nice :)

Unknown said...

its jus too difficult to understand for a guy like me..:-(.
Please explain..!!!!!!!!!!