Sunday, November 30, 2008

Complete Paradox

I have lost myself in my past,
As my present is a chaos ,
So many people in the present
Are trying to help me but no use
As i am no more in my present…………….
Since you made me feel
That my presence is a trouble
To you ,my dear .............

I know its because of you
But what to do
I love you…….

Physically in the present
Feeling the pain of the chaos
Mentally in the past
Enjoying all the beautiful moments
Thinking of all our tryst
Rejuvenating internally
Getting old externally
Both pleasure and the pain
At a single same time
A small smile in the face
As well as rolling tears in the face….

Monday, November 3, 2008


The quest for peace ended
When I embarked the return journey from heaven
Everything so vivid and lucid like an unseen ocean.

Mind and soul were as light as the new born
With the clear picture of the unswerving future

Is There Anything More?

Feeling the numbness of death when alive
Is there anything more?

When treachery is nothing for you
Is there anything more?

When Adam is the reason for the word blasphemy
Is there anything more?

If you are able to do autopsy on a live person
Is there anything more?

When a penny worth’s more than a Jillion
Is there anything more?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Elixir Of Life

Was watching my watch, all the three hands fighting to catch up with each other,Dint realize the flights of steps that I have crossed,Crossed a school boy who was reading a book which explained the activities of School of dolphins, with in moments I could sense a parch in my lips, searched for something to quench my thirst nothing was there in my vicinity, closed my eyes for a moment.

That was the moment a single drop of don’t know what to call it, was coming from the open blue sky like a torpedo just launched targeting me.With my eye lids covering the entire world I could feel the fresh cold breeze on my pale body, as fresh as the blossom, even my bones were vulnerable to that cold which made me open my eye lids. I was standing in a new world which had no axiom and I was like a vagrant, no wistful feeling of all the things that has gone past, no anxiety, no apprehension ,no goal ,no target just as blank as word blank literately means.

Suddenly I felt warmth surrounding me, the warmth of a mother’s womb which brought back the lost wistfulness, anxiety, apprehension, goal, target and everything. The new world which was just real for that moment vanished when that drop which seem to be coming from the blue sky landed on that parch.

Realizing myself

Ecstasy and bliss where around the corner
When you where near me

Agony started surrounding me like a thundering storm
When you stepped out.

Wondering how is this possible
When you are still staying in me

Then realized that it was an analogy
For a clear sky, to make me understand

How deeply you are rooted inside me

Song of Contemplation

There is a song to be sung
Albeit no words are there
Now standing on a crisscross road
Afraid of backing off
Scared of taking a step
Yet hopes are there
For a bright future together

But the hopes started fading
When you said no to my question
Now standing like a
Lightening struck goat
Not scared of taking a step
Nor afraid of backing off
As my thoughts are as dark
As the pouring cloud

I want something from you to sustain
For the feeling that is getting away
Because it’s difficult to feel as
It was before; it can even be a word or a sentence
As long it acts as a binding sentence.


A song without words fills the air As I stand at this crossroads with care Afraid to move forward or turn back But still holding onto hope, intact

A bright future seemed within reach Until you said no, and my hopes did breach Like a goat struck by lightning, I stand Not afraid to move, but with a darkened plan

My thoughts are as heavy as the pouring rain And I struggle to sustain this feeling, in vain I need something to hold onto tight A binding sentence to make it right

So give me a word or phrase to grasp To make the fading feeling last And help me see a brighter day As I continue on my way.